A woman in a long white dress, carrying a bouquet of sunflowers and other flowers, and a man wearing a blue jacket and khaki pants walk toward the camera holding hands. In the background are trees, a floral arch, and people standing in front of chairs in rows watching them.

Labor Day weekend is a great time to get married, like this fall country wedding. Photo courtesy of kellyjophoto.com.

Here’s something I get asked all the time:  Is it a good idea to schedule a wedding for a holiday weekend?

There are lots of Monday holidays in this country, resulting in 3-day weekends for a lot of people, many of whom may be the very ones you want to have at your wedding.  If a lot of your guests are going to be coming from out of town, then sometimes scheduling the event for a holiday weekend is a great idea, because it allows people to visit for a little longer and makes it easier for them to actually be there with you.

On the other hand, airfares may be higher on high travel days, which might be a problem for some people.  And there may be those among your guests who already have plans for a long weekend.  Neither of these has to be a deal-breaker, but if you are planning a wedding for a holiday weekend, it’s a good idea to give your guests as much advance notice as possible.

Also, you may be thinking that you can save some money by scheduling the wedding for the Sunday of a holiday weekend.  Sunday rates at venues are typically lower than Saturday rates, but–sorry!–the venues are already ahead of you on this one.  Most of them charge the same for Saturday and Sunday of a holiday weekend.

But if you do decide on a holiday weekend, Sunday is often a good choice for the convenience of your out-of-town guests.  They can travel on Saturday and Monday, if they can’t get time away during the week.

On the whole, I tend to say that holiday weekends are a good choice, especially if you have guests coming from far away.  They are often popular times, though, so if that’s the direction you are going, be sure to book your venue and other vendors early.

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