Crown Restrooms, as borrowed from their website.

Crown Restrooms, as borrowed from their website.

When you’re planning your wedding, the first thing that comes to mind is probably not, “We’ll need portable restrooms!”  But if you do need them, don’t let it be the last thing you think about.

If you are planning a backyard wedding or reception, or if your venue is in a park or forest preserve, you might need to rent restroom facilities.  And since you’re planning a special occasion, you probably don’t want to rent the kind of portapotties you’d find at a construction site.  This is where upscale portable restrooms come in.

There is a surprisingly large number of companies providing this service, but I have only worked with a couple of them.  Crown Restrooms provided a restroom trailer at a wedding I worked on a couple of years ago, and I was suitably impressed with them.

The wedding was in a private park, so it was absolutely necessary to have adequate facilities.  These fit on the driveway of the lodge.   They were clean, had running water, and were large enough for the purpose.  The company was reliable in its delivery, and everything functioned correctly.

It’s not a glamorous part of party planning, but the importance of good restrooms to the success of the affair cannot be underestimated.

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