The groom is ready with is attendants.  Where is the bride?  Photo by Happy Buddy PhotoArt.

The groom is ready with his attendants. Where is the bride? Photo by Happy Buddy PhotoArt.

I think my favorite wedding stories are about disaster averted.  Okay, I’ll be honest:  The stories I like are the ones where I get to save the day.  Here is another one:

The guests were seated in the church.  The bridegroom and groomsmen were all ready.  The officiant was in place.  Where was the bride?

Calling a bride’s cell phone is pretty unlikely to get you anywhere.  Naturally, I gave it a try.  Just as naturally, she did not answer.

Now, I generally ask my clients for contact information for at least two members of the bridal party, because I know that I will need it if this sort of situation arises.  In this case, I had a phone number for the maid of honor, but she, also, did not answer her phone.

The other thing I always ask for is a list of the major players and close family members involved with the wedding.  In this case, that information was invaluable.  I knew that the bride’s brother was standing with the groomsmen.  And I knew that the bride’s sister was with the bride.  I asked the brother for the sister’s phone number, knowing that he would have it.  She did answer her phone and was able to tell me what was going on and hurry the bridal party to the church.

Even with the delay, the processional started on time.  And I think the groom worried a lot less, knowing that I was tracking down the bride!

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