I have another part of my business besides wedding and event planning.  I also make handmade lace wedding accessories.  Lace wedding garters will go on sale very soon.

Pale blue wedding garter with handmade tatted lace

Pale blue wedding garter with handmade tatted lace

Above is a photo of a garter.  The lace is all made by hand (by me, of course).  Tatted lace is made of thousands of knots on very tiny thread.  Each garter contains about 17,000 knots!  The lace is attached to satin ribbon, and the garter has a soft cotton backing.  The garter is entirely constructed by hand.

Here is a close-up:

Close-up of handmade lace garter

Close-up of handmade lace garter

These garters are unique wedding accessories, unlike anything else you will find, anywhere.  If you are interested in these garters, please contact me at Lace<at>LisaGordonEvents<dot>com.  I will have more information available soon, so check back.

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