If you’re looking for Part I on time management, you can find it here.  This week, I have a few more thoughts on the subject that I hope you’ll find useful.

Once you have your overall timeline in place, try to stick to it.  It might be tempting to jump around from project to project, but I find it works better to finish one thing before going on to the next.  It helps you to focus on what you’re doing so that you don’t overlook the details and it also gives you a nice feeling of accomplishment when you check a project off your list.

Another trick is to use tiny scraps of time to best advantage.  If you have ten minutes while you’re waiting for an appointment, think of a small job you can get out of the way in time that might otherwise be wasted.  Look up reviews for a make-up artist you’re interested in or scan Pinterest for decor ideas.  Using these little bits of time can add up to a whole lot in the grand scheme.

But don’t worry!  You can get it all done in time.

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