As you probably know, Earth Day falls in the month of April, as does Arbor Day.  Here in Illinois, Governor Pat Quinn has declared the entire month of April Earth Month.  In his official proclamation (.pdf), he notes that the Illinois constitution “states that each person has the right to a healthful environment.”  (I didn’t know our state constitution says that.  Did you?)  He also states his opinion that “although every day should be Earth Day,” the month of April is a perfect opportunity to raise awareness of environmental concerns.

Natural beauty reminds us to care for it--and ourselves.

Natural beauty reminds us to care for it--and ourselves.

What does this mean for you if you are planning an event?  Well, the proclamation is a symbolic act, but maybe it will act as a reminder.  Do you have a summer wedding or other event coming up?  If so, you are probably in the thick of the planning during the month of April.  Can you make decisions about your event with sustainability and the environment in mind?  You don’t have to make everything perfectly eco-friendly, but perhaps you can make some small steps toward a greener wedding or event.  If you need some tips, take a look at my eco-friendly celebrations page.

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