Is this your vision for your bridal party?  Image by

Is this your vision for your bridal party? Image by

So, you’re planning your wedding and you have to decide how many people are going to stand up with you.  How do you make that decision?  There’s no right way to decide, as it turns out.  It’s always a personal decision.

One of the first things you might want to do, though, is negotiate this with your fiance.  If the person you are marrying wants to have a large number and you want a small number, you will have to find a solution to that problem between the two of you.  (It’s good practice for being married!)  But remember that the rules are flexible.  If you want two attendants and your partner wants 17, there is nothing that says you can’t do that.  But you both have to be okay with that solution–and you both have to be willing to defend it to others who will object.

There are also practical considerations when choosing a number of attendants:  Do you have ways to include your close family and friends if you have a small bridal party?  Can you afford the expense associated with a large bridal party (gifts, transportation, etc.)?

In the end, how many attendants–or whether to have any at all–is a very personal decision that is between you and the person you are marrying.  There are no wrong answers, but there may be a number of right answers.

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