Most events don't require a designer to be beautiful.   Photo by Peter Coombs.

Most events don't require a designer to be beautiful. Photo by Peter Coombs.

When searching for an event, party, or wedding planner, you might find some individuals or firms who come up in the search but are primarily event designers.  So, what’s the difference?  I had a conversation with an event designer recently about this subject and this is what we came up with:

This event designer said that her specialty was solely designing and creating event decor.  Her website also said “event planning,” but she told me that she does not handle scheduling or logistics for events.  For those services, she recommends that her clients hire an event planner.

An event planner may also offer design services, but it’s pretty rare that someone has large-scale artistic event design and implementation skills and also has event planner skills.  Except for elaborate or large events, most events do not need a designer, but most do need a planner.  What are those event planner skills that a designer may lack?

An event planner should be able to envision your entire event from start to finish.  She or he should be able to spot problems in the planning stage and solve them before they become real.  A planner should have a good grasp of scheduling and spatial layout, with great attention to detail.  A planner knows where to get things you need and can recommend other professionals.  Finally, the skill you want most in a planner is a calm head on the day of your event so that the unexpected is dealt with swiftly and with good judgment.

Some events require a planner.  Some require a designer.  And some really need both.  It’s important to know what you need–and what you are getting–when you hire professionals to help you with your event.

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