We do love our dogs! Photo by Allison Williams Photography.

We do love our dogs! Photo by Allison Williams Photography.

I’ve written a little about children in weddings before, but there is also the question of animals.  Should you have a dog be your ring bearer?

I have to say that my reflexive answer to that question is, “No.”  But I will say that there are some exceptions to that categorical negative.  There are certain circumstances where it might not be a bad idea.

If you are having a very formal wedding and/or you are worried about things happening outside of your control, a dog in the ceremony is very likely going to do something you don’t want to have happen.  But if your wedding is casual and you are extremely easy-going about what happens, you might not mind the unexpected things that dogs can do.

I would still only recommend doing this if: 1) the dog is yours or is one who knows you very well; 2) the dog is very well behaved in crowds and under superb voice control; 3) the dog is happy to carry or wear something; 4) the dog’s person can spend some time working with the dog to be sure he or she knows what is requested; and 5) you can assign someone to be full-time dog handler.  If any of the above is not true, I would think twice about it.

There are other things you also might want to consider.  For example, where will the dog go after the processional and during the ceremony?  It’s very cute to have a dog walk down the aisle, but will it then go and put dog hair on everyone in the front row?  And, as with children, let your officiant or best man carry the actual rings!

Perhaps the most important thing to decide is whether you want to allow a dog to be the star of your wedding.  As actors always say, never work with dogs or children, because they always steal the show.

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