Jun 3, 2013 | Day-of Coordinating, wedding planning
I am asked sometimes why anyone should hire a wedding planner.

Beautiful wedding day. Photo by Magical Moments Photography.
After all, you can probably do all the planning yourself. With some time, a few organizational skills, and the ability to see the project through, you can plan your wedding by yourself. Of course, it is a large job that takes a lot of time and attention. Most people find the process momentarily frustrating. At the same time, it can be very rewarding. You might even find that it is a lot of fun.
On the other hand, when it comes to day-of wedding coordination, almost everyone needs someone to do the job. In the past when brides were typically younger, the mother of the bride often took care of the coordinating. Sometimes the Maid of Honor does all the work. These days, though, most couples want to allow their families and friends to enjoy the wedding day and not have to deal with the details.
Even if your wedding is simple and straightforward, if you hire a day-of coordinator, you are also hiring a professional consultant who can help you with the planning. When I am working with a couple, I tell them that once they hire me, they can call me or send me an e-mail any time if they need guidance or a vendor referral or just someone to bounce an idea off of. My function is to make sure that the wedding goes smoothly, and that means that I start working toward that goal as soon as I am hired. If I can prevent costly mistakes or solve a problem months in advance, then I am doing my job as day-of coordinator.
Also, I have resources that you might not have. Especially if your wedding is non-traditional or if you want to make sure it is environmentally friendly, I have access to vendors and other resources that you might not know about.
Maybe you have been to a wedding and thought it all went so smoothly that there was no need for a coordinator. That is actually the highest compliment you can pay to a day-of wedding coordinator. From the point of view of the guests, it should all look effortless, and that means that someone has put all the details together into a beautiful wedding day.
May 27, 2013 | Day-of Coordinating

The groom is ready with his attendants. Where is the bride? Photo by Happy Buddy PhotoArt.
I think my favorite wedding stories are about disaster averted. Okay, I’ll be honest: The stories I like are the ones where I get to save the day. Here is another one:
The guests were seated in the church. The bridegroom and groomsmen were all ready. The officiant was in place. Where was the bride?
Calling a bride’s cell phone is pretty unlikely to get you anywhere. Naturally, I gave it a try. Just as naturally, she did not answer.
Now, I generally ask my clients for contact information for at least two members of the bridal party, because I know that I will need it if this sort of situation arises. In this case, I had a phone number for the maid of honor, but she, also, did not answer her phone.
The other thing I always ask for is a list of the major players and close family members involved with the wedding. In this case, that information was invaluable. I knew that the bride’s brother was standing with the groomsmen. And I knew that the bride’s sister was with the bride. I asked the brother for the sister’s phone number, knowing that he would have it. She did answer her phone and was able to tell me what was going on and hurry the bridal party to the church.
Even with the delay, the processional started on time. And I think the groom worried a lot less, knowing that I was tracking down the bride!
Apr 29, 2013 | Day-of Coordinating, wedding planning, Weddings

It all looks as if it is going smoothly. Only the planner knows for sure. Courtesy of sprungphoto.com.
Once in a while I have to toot my own horn. I have a story for you that is interesting and also answers that age-old question, “Why should I hire a wedding planner or coordinator?”
I worked on a wedding last year that was excessively well planned. The bride is, herself, an event planner and had everything organized down to the last detail. Someone with less experience than she had might have concluded that between her exceptional planning and the professional staff at the venue, everything would go smoothly. Maybe sometimes that is the case, but not here.
I won’t name the venue–to protect the guilty–but let’s just say that it is a medium-size place that is accustomed to large events. It’s the kind of place one might reasonably expect to know what it is doing when there is a large wedding on site.
Both the bride and I had expressed to them how important it was to set a sound level on their equipment for the recorded recessional music. I began asking the venue staff to set up the sound equipment soon after I arrived. Thirty minutes before the ceremony, the catering manager was still trying to set up his own equipment, and clearly didn’t quite understand how it functioned. I did manage to set a sound level before the guests were seated, but only barely.
Things went well for a while. The ceremony went off without a hitch, and the guests moved to the next room while the venue staff, the florists, and I turned the room over for the reception. Once the meal began, though, it became clear that the venue was under-staffed. No one poured wine at the head table, and it was hard to find a server. Not only that, but the venue manager disappeared. I simply didn’t see him after a certain time.
That meant that I became the point person for everything, even things I couldn’t possibly know. But that’s all right: I can find things out when I need to. I spent the rest of the wedding day answering questions and solving problems that should have fallen to the venue staff. The guests never knew anything was awry; even the bridal couple never knew. Only the bride’s mother and I were making sure that everyone else had a happy time.
The moral of the story is this: Good planning is very important, but no one can foresee everything. If you want your wedding day to go as planned, it is also important to have someone who is your advocate on hand to solve problems and smooth over difficulties.
Jan 28, 2013 | Day-of Coordinating, Weddings
I have the photos from the board-game-theme wedding in the fall. These are really fun so I hope you’ll take a look at the whole gallery.

Game-Themed Wedding. Photo by Johnny Knight.
May 7, 2012 | Day-of Coordinating, wedding planning, Weddings
I am asked sometimes why anyone should hire a wedding planner.

Beautiful wedding day. Photo by Magical Moments Photography.
After all, you can probably do all the planning yourself. With some time, a few organizational skills, and the ability to see the project through, you can plan your wedding by yourself. Of course, it is a large job that takes a lot of time and attention. Most people find the process momentarily frustrating. At the same time, it can be very rewarding. You might even find that it is a lot of fun.
On the other hand, when it comes to day-of wedding coordination, almost everyone needs someone to do the job. In the past when brides were typically younger, the mother of the bride often took care of the coordinating. Sometimes the Maid of Honor does all the work. These days, though, most couples want to allow their families and friends to enjoy the wedding day and not have to deal with the details.
Even if your wedding is simple and straightforward, if you hire a day-of coordinator, you are also hiring a professional consultant who can help you with the planning. When I am working with a couple, I tell them that once they hire me, they can call me or send me an e-mail any time if they need guidance or a vendor referral or just someone to bounce an idea off of. My function is to make sure that the wedding goes smoothly, and that means that I start working toward that goal as soon as I am hired. If I can prevent costly mistakes or solve a problem months in advance, then I am doing my job as day-of coordinator.
Also, I have resources that you might not have. Especially if your wedding is non-traditional or if you want to make sure it is environmentally friendly, I have access to vendors and other resources that you might not know about.
Maybe you have been to a wedding and thought it all went so smoothly that there was no need for a coordinator. That is actually the highest compliment you can pay to a day-of wedding coordinator. From the point of view of the guests, it should all look effortless, and that means that someone has put all the details together into a beautiful wedding day.
Apr 2, 2012 | Day-of Coordinating, Weddings
I got a last-minute call to coordinate a wedding recently. It was for a couple who got engaged in October, so they had a very short planning period. It was stressful for them, but they were smart planners and had a gorgeous wedding day.

The hall at the Kenilworth Club, waiting for guests.
The ceremony was at the bride’s parish church with the reception at the Kenilworth Club, one of my favorite reception locations. Here are a few photos:

The hall set for cocktails with guitarist Jim Perona playing in the background.

The cake was from Oak Mill Bakery with flowers by Four Finches.

A La Carte catered lunch.

This part was the coordinator's job.

The favors were a tribute to the groom, a geologist, and the place where the couple met.
Swing Assembly played for dancing in the afternoon. And I hope to have some professional photos from Peter Coombs to share with you sometime soon.
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