The bride's friends made the centerpieces for this wedding.

The bride's friends made the centerpieces for this wedding.

A friend of mine who recently got married told me something she learned in the course of planning her wedding.  For some reason or another, she was talking to a lawyer who specializes in divorce (having nothing to do with her wedding, of course!)  They were discussing the size of her wedding budget, which I understand was quite modest, since she works as a free-lancer and her husband is a graduate student.  This lawyer told her that he had noticed an interesting correlation in the course of his work.  According to him, the larger the wedding budget is, the shorter the marriage is likely to be.  I can’t account for this surprising parallel, but I can say this:  If you are planning a wedding on a small budget, you can at least console yourself that, statistically speaking, your marriage is more likely to be a lasting one.

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