Nov 27, 2017 | wedding planning
I’m re-running some old posts since I think they have some useful information. Here’s one from a few years ago that never goes out of style:

This bakery had a good contract–and good chocolate! Photo by Carasco Photography.
I want to share with you some information I give to many of my clients. It’s on a subject that is hardly glamorous, but is very, very important: Contracts. I’m not a contract lawyer, but this is what I have learned by experience.
When you are planning a big celebration, you will have to deal with a number of vendors, and each one of them should give you a contract. And each one will require a certain amount of your attention. You should read carefully each contract you are given. Make sure you agree with every point in it before you sign it. Because once you sign it, it becomes a legally binding document that might be very hard to get out of. It’s much better to negotiate it before you sign it.
And all contracts are negotiable, no matter what your vendor says. The point of a contract is to come to an agreement between parties, so don’t be afraid to negotiate your part of the agreement. I’m not saying that you can get everything you want into (or out of) every contract, but you don’t have to take whatever they give you without a murmur if you don’t like it.
Every contract should contain a certain minimum of information. It should have the vendor’s name, address, and phone number on it. If the vendor wants you to contact them some other way than by phone, that information should also be on the contract so it is easily available. The contract should also state clearly exactly what the vendor is going to do for you and when they are going to do it. Likewise, it should say how much you are expected to pay and when.
It is a good idea to include details in the contract: When and where will deliveries be made? Will the vendor only bring their goods to the venue or will they also set things up? If you change your mind and want something extra, what happens? And what will it cost? What happens if one party or the other fails to live up to the agreement? Finally, the contract should be signed and dated by both parties.
Florists and bakeries (in my experience) are notorious for offering incomplete contracts. Often, small shops don’t have the resources to put together complete contracts. In this case, you should not hesitate to hand write the missing information onto the contract before it is signed, and make sure the vendor initials the changes. This will protect both of you.
I learned some of this from my dealings with a certain florist. What passed for a contract from this florist was just a list of floral options and prices, with one of them circled. There was no information on delivery or set-up. I understood from my client that the florist was going to bring all the floral arrangements into the venue and I would set them up. I even discussed delivery with the shop in the week before the wedding. Oddly, no one mentioned that the centerpieces weighed between 50 and 100 pounds, somewhat more than I can carry on my own. The owner of the shop showed up with the centerpieces, carried them down a flight of steps, and placed them where they belonged. I thought all was well. Five days after the wedding, I got an e-mail from the floral shop asking for additional payment because the owner had had to do extra work on the delivery. Fortunately, I had a copy of their contract and was able to explain that they should not expect to recoup their losses from me. It also might have been better if a complaint had been made on the spot so I could have solved the problem before it happened.
That experience is also one of the reasons I always insist on having copies of every contract that a client has with their vendors. I can head off a lot of trouble if I know exactly what is expected of each vendor. So, read your contracts, make sure you agree with their contents, and send a copy on to your planner. You’ll be happy you did.
Nov 13, 2017 | wedding planning

One step in the process of wedding planning: decor. Photo courtesy of Agnes Malorney.
When a cousin of mine announced his engagement a few years ago, I wrote a little something to help them get started planning:
Dear Cousins,
Thanks for asking about how to get started with your wedding planning and where to find a planning checklist. There are probably 100 to be found on the internet and in wedding magazines. They are all a lot alike. I think the best thing to do is to take any random one you find and tailor it to your own use. For myself, I would put it into an Excel spreadsheet, but there are lots of ways to make it useful. Delete all the things that don’t apply to you. If you don’t know yet if something is relevant, hang onto it for now and see if it is needed. And take with a pinch of salt the exact timing recommended by any checklist. You can adjust it to suit you.
At this point, the three or four things you probably need to be working on are all interconnected: date of the wedding; location of the ceremony; officiant, if that doesn’t come with the location; location of the reception (assuming you are having a reception–I make no assumptions); and finding a caterer for the reception (assuming ditto). Of course, there are a lot of other decisions you will need to make in order to make those few decisions, so you may end up working backwards a little and then going forwards. (For example, you probably have to have some idea of how many people are on your guest list before you start looking for a venue.) After you have that framework in place, then you can look for other vendors to help you: florist; photographer; wedding coordinator; clothing; rings; jewelry, etc.. Then it will be time to work on decorative stuff (assuming you aren’t planning to do it all yourself–because if you are, you needed to start on that yesterday): invitations (functional as well as decorative, of course!), any other paper goods, reception decor, if any, etc. After that, there will be a lot of little details.
I will caution you about two things: There is the thing that
NPR’s Car Guys call the Wedding-Industrial Complex (or the “Marital-Industrial Complex”). It is real and it can be dangerous. It is the bridal industry’s marketing machine that wants you to believe that you can’t have a wedding without having all the stuff provided by all the various vendors. Don’t buy into it. It’s not true. All you really need in order to have a wedding is the two of you and someone who can sign the paperwork–and in some states you need witnesses. Everything else is optional. I like to advise my clients to do the things that have some meaning for them and to skip anything else (unless it makes their parents happy, for instance). So, don’t believe the hype. Just do the things that will make you happy.
And here’s the other thing: There are a lot of scams in the wedding industry. There are unscrupulous vendors who know that you’ve never done this before, and they will not hesitate to jack up prices or insist that you do things their way. But there are also lots of vendors who will help you to do what you really want to do. Make sure you find those and steer clear of the others. Trust your instincts. If it doesn’t smell right, it probably isn’t right.
Take a look at
this previous post of mine,
this one and also
this one for some tips on how to protect yourself against some of the most common scams and pitfalls of the wedding industry. And feel free to keep asking. It’s my pleasure to help you two have a wonderful wedding!
Nov 6, 2017 | wedding planning

Was it planned 2 years in advance? Or two days? Photo by T & S Hughes Photography.
Here’s a question that does not get asked nearly often enough: When should you hire a coordinator or planner for your wedding or other large event?
The short answer is: As soon as possible.
If you’re hiring a full-service planner or even someone who is only doing partial planning plus coordinating, you obviously want to hire that person well in advance of the date of the event. You need to give them time to do their job, which is to plan your event. No one wants to do a rush job or do the job badly, so ample time is necessary.
But even if you are hiring someone who is only coordinating the day of your event, it is still a good idea to book early. For one thing, you want to find someone who is available on the date of your event, and Saturday nights start booking up as you approach the date. But beyond the practicalities of who is available, booking early gives you access to your coordinator’s advice and expertise for a longer period of time, saving you money and headaches. And it allows for enough time for your coordinator to get to know you and understand what you want.
I don’t know how most planners charge, but if you hire me early, it doesn’t cost you a penny more than if you hire me later. (In fact, it can save you money.) My fee is based on the average amount of time I expect to put in on your event, and always includes unlimited phone calls, texts, and emails from the time you hire me until the day of your event.
And what if you’ve waited until the last minute to hire someone to coordinate your event? Do not despair! I actually specialize in last-minute jobs (if I am available). While it’s nice to have months to sort out the details and make sure everything is in place, I’ve coordinated weddings with less than 48 hours notice!
One final word of advice: Most planners won’t book more than 12 to 18 months out. That’s my general window, as well. So, if you are more than a-year-and-a-half from the date of your wedding or event, that is the one time I recommend waiting to hire. But within a year or so of the date, don’t delay. Start making calls or sending emails to find the planner who is the right fit for your event. We all appreciate your booking early.
Jul 3, 2017 | wedding planning

The Shakespeare Garden in Evanston, IL. If you like the Bard, it’s a great place to get married.
Remember the film Shakespeare in Love? It appeared in a stage version in Chicago recently and I was reminded of one of my favorite quotes from it: “Mr. Fennyman, allow me to explain about the theatre business. The natural condition is one of insurmountable obstacles on the road to imminent disaster.” While this quotation definitely rings true regarding the business of theatre, it also has faint echoes when it comes to weddings.
Now, producing live theatre is actually a lot harder than wedding planning. (Trust me: I’ve done both.) It has some of the same elements, but there’s one big difference: A stage production has to maintain its illusion of reality at all times and at any cost, no matter what goes wrong or how badly.
The nice thing about weddings is that they are actually real and don’t have to maintain any kind of illusion. Sometimes people planning weddings are under the mistaken impression that they have to present an illusion of perfection (whatever that means to them), but I’m here to tell you that it isn’t true. Weddings and theatre both share an element of ritual, but that is about where the similarity ends.
So, if you’re busy planning your wedding and feeling as if you’re running into too many insurmountable obstacles or that you’re on the road to imminent disaster, try taking a step back and looking at the big picture. Will you end up married to the right person at the end of the day? Yes? Well, then you will have had a successful wedding. It’s nice if your guests are also fed and have someplace to sit and maybe a little entertainment, but as long as the main event comes off, you did it right. So, don’t sweat the small stuff.
Jun 19, 2017 | wedding planning

How many other great ideas were ruled out to get to this fun and whimsical design choice? (Photo by hannahelaine photography (
I wrote a couple of weeks ago about ways to approach decision-making for your wedding. This topic has come up a couple of times in my recent conversations with clients. Frequently, I am hearing things like, “There are so many choices, I don’t know how to make a decision” or “I love Pinterest, but when I spend time on it, it makes it harder for me to know what I want.” I also hear (a lot), “The process of wedding planning is really overwhelming!”
If this is how you feel, you should know that you’re not alone. It’s great to have a lot of choices and wonderful to have access to all sorts of ideas when you’re planning a wedding (or any other event). Being able to see what other people have done successfully is a great resource. Borrowing ideas can spark your own creativity. But once you have amassed all these ideas, what is the next step? I think this is where many people have trouble.
I’m lucky that I’ve spent several decades working with many wonderfully creative people in the live theatre industry. I’ve learned a lot from the various designers and directors and other artists about how the creative design process works. I’m not going to even try to distill it into a brief how-to manual (because I’m pretty sure that’s impossible), but here are a few ideas.
A design board (also called an inspiration board or a vision board) is a way to collect the best visual ideas you have in one place and to see if they will all work together. (There are lots of DIY tips online for how to do this. It’s also one of the things you can do in Pinterest.) What you may discover is that you have a few too many great ideas–which leads directly to my next tip:
You will probably have to discard some of your ideas. You may have to discard a lot of your ideas. The best events (like the best artistic creations) are focused and coherent. Simplicity can be your very best friend.
So, how do you take all those ideas and revise them until you have a focused idea? Try putting your favorites at the top of your design board and put the ones you don’t love quite as much farther down. Keep re-arranging them until you are happy with the order. Now, can you remove any of the ones at the bottom? Because you are now at the point where you will probably have to get rid of some things. And if you can’t quite bring yourself to remove something, that might be a sign that it needs to be a little higher in the priority list.
Here’s another way to pare down the choices: Pick two colors and two other things you like (a texture, a pattern, a shape, etc., depending on how you have approached your search for materials) and put all the ideas that fit within those parameters on one design board. Then try a different set of choices–and maybe one more after that. See what you like best. See what works best for you. If you like one set of ideas, you now have a narrower set of choices to work with.
And here’s one more idea: Hire a professional to work with you if you find the entire process too much for you. Wedding planners are very good at narrowing down the field based on your preferences and can help you to focus your search for venues and vendors and to guide your design process. There are a lot of decisions to be made as you plan a large event like a wedding. It helps to have a guide who has done this before.
Jun 12, 2017 | wedding planning

Not a good day for an outdoor wedding! (Photo by Becca Heuer Photography.)
Summer and fall weddings mean time in the great outdoors. Outdoor ceremonies are very popular. Outdoor receptions are quite common. There are lots of good reasons for this. Natural beauty seems to be the perfect complement to a wedding. And in places like Chicago, we all want to be outdoors when the weather is nice.
At the same time, everyone who has lived here for more than a minute knows just how changeable the weather can be. Cold and rainy in July? You bet! Hot and sunny one minute and downpour the next? Count on it. So, how do you deal with the uncertain actor that the weather is?
Here is my one big rule of thumb for outdoor events: If you don’t have a good, solid rain plan, there is a high likelihood that you will need one.
I remember one wedding that was supposed to be outdoors in a lovely garden. The couple could have rented a nearby chapel at the time they reserved the garden, but they decided to take a chance on it and not spend the extra money. As they got closer to the wedding date, it became clearer that they should have a back-up location–but the chapel had already been booked by someone else! The couple resisted my pleas to come up with an alternative, trusting to their good luck. Sure enough, the wedding day came around and the weather was terrible: wind, rain, cold.
Fortunately, the staff of the hotel where the reception took place was sympathetic, and they were good enough to work with me and my assistant, and they let us set up the ceremony in a wide, private hallway next to the reception hall. We scrambled to set up chairs and make it look beautiful.
On most weddings, the couples agree with me, and we have a written plan to follow if the weather won’t cooperate. Every once in a great while, we need to actually use that rain plan, and then it is easy because it has all been thought about in advance and communicated to everyone who needs to know.
But most of the time, if you have your rain plan in place and it is a good one, you won’t need it. So, take the time to make that rain plan. It’s good insurance.
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