Thoughts on Style

I’ve had the good fortune to work with many different people who all have their own ideas about wedding or party style.  As most of my clients are not obsessed with (or, mostly, even interested in) high wedding fashion, they can give free rein to their own good taste.  This has resulted in my working on weddings and other kinds of parties that have been wildly different from one another–and all beautiful.

You might wonder how a planner deals with such diversity of tastes.  After all, doesn’t the stereotypical wedding planner try to impose her vision of the “perfect” wedding on all her clients?  Not at all!!

My personal taste and style has very little influence on how I approach your event.  This is, I think, partly a hold-over from all my years working as a theatre stage manager.  In that capacity, it was my job to execute the designs of all the various designers in the service of the director’s vision.  I became quite good at adapting myself to the styles of my collaborators.

I bring this same quality to party and wedding planning.  I spend as much time as necessary learning what you like and how you think things ought to look so that when I am setting up your decor, I can make it look the way you had in mind.

All this is not to say that I don’t have definite ideas about style.  If you need guidance, I’m always happy to supply an opinion.  I don’t lack for those.  But it’s more important to me that your vision shines through.

Vendors I Know: Ryan Timm Photography

Photo by Ryan Timm Photography.

Photo by Ryan Timm Photography.

Sometimes I run across a vendor that I never knew about and whose work I like a lot.  Photographer Ryan Timm is in that category.  I worked with him on a wedding last fall and was completely stunned by the photos he shared with me.  I’m pretty jaded about event photography, too, so it’s hard to get my attention.  But Ryan managed it with beautiful photos, each one a little narrative in itself.

I was also impressed that he caught so many wonderful photos working entirely by himself.  Most wedding photographers work in teams, so I was very surprised that he did all the work himself.  I was doubly impressed that working solo did not compromise the quality of his photos at all.

There are a lot of excellent wedding photographers in the Chicago area.  There are plenty that I’d be more than happy to recommend.  I’m glad to expand the list by one more, now that I know Ryan.

Vendors I Know: Ryan Timm Photography

Sometimes I run across a vendor that I never knew about and whose work I like a lot.  Photographer Ryan Timm is in that category.  I worked with him on a wedding last fall and was completely stunned by the photos he shared with me.  I’m pretty jaded about event photography, too, so it’s hard to get my attention.  But Ryan managed it with beautiful photos, each one a little narrative in itself.

I was also impressed that he caught so many wonderful photos working entirely by himself.  Most wedding photographers work in teams, so I was very surprised that he did all the work himself.  I was doubly impressed that working solo did not compromise the quality of his photos at all.

There are a lot of excellent wedding photographers in the Chicago area.  There are plenty that I’d be more than happy to recommend.  I’m glad to expand the list by one more, now that I know Ryan.

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