Good planning has great results! Photo courtesy of

Good planning has great results! Photo courtesy of

I’m on a roll with time management lately.  This is where to find Part I and Part II of the series.

Here’s one more thought for you on time management, and then you’ll know much of what I know.  This one’s a doozy, though, and most people don’t like to admit that it’s true, so brace yourself:

There won’t be more time later.  In fact, there will probably be less time later.

It’s always tempting to think that after some event or after some project is finished, there will be more time to work on whatever it is that you are putting off.  This is a fallacy, and the reason is that if there isn’t enough time for everything now, then things are being put off until later.  And that means that on top of all the stuff that belongs in the future, you’re adding stuff from the present.  And that means that there won’t be more time.  There will just be more to do.

If you find this depressing (and some people do), just remember that you can do something about it:  Get at least one thing off the list today.  That is one thing fewer you’ll be doing in the future, when there’s less time for it.

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